Personal style: Powerful tool for self-awareness and growth

I have always been fascinated with personal style. Only recently I found out why. 

It all started as one of my celebrity-inspired dreams – to collaborate with a fashion designer for the creation of my own capsule collection which is aligned with my skin complexion, body type, lifestyle, vision, and, of course, my personal style. To my surprise, the creation of the capsule collection turned out not to be so much a designer work, but an internal job that I had to do myself. I had to clearly define my personal style.

Who am I and what makes me authentic? What is my essence? What are my values? What is the statement that I would like to communicate with my style? My answers to these questions contributed to my self-awareness and self-acceptance. But the process didn’t stop here. It grew into self-creation. 

I wanted to dress my future self – a levelled-up version of my current authentic self. This required to step up my styling game. Once the capsule collection for my future self was completed, I felt the need to elevate all other aspects of my life to match this new version. And this is when my growth, both personal and professional, accelerated as it had a clear direction. 

Now I am even more fascinated with personal style…


Pictures and videos from my fashion collaboration with Bulgarian designer Mira Bachvarova are posted on my Instagram account:

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